So, maybe he’s told when he’s old enough to understand the situation. Rhaegar’s insult to Elia and House Martell, but the Dornish are by and There’s some political weirdness to his being the product of And in Dorne, his secret isn’t likely to feel as world-crushingly urgent. People with slightly less emotional investment in the kid, would pick a So much of how Ned handled the situation was about Ned-specific hangups and coping mechanisms. Same amount of mystery about his parentage. If Jon is raised anywhere else by anyone but Ned, I don’t know if there’s the Still dies (or “ dies”) it leaves him with a hell of an abandonment complex. It’s possible that with aĬhild to care for she makes it through her grief over her daughter andīrother, which leaves Jon in a much better position emotionally. Presumably in this hypothetical he grows upīelieving himself to be Ashara Dayne’s son. (I lean pretty strongly toward thinking that Jon’s mother is Lyanna, not Ashara, which does to some degree change how things would unfold.)